We are pleased to inform you of a powerful new communication tool that is available for you to track student progress in school. The tool is an electronic gradebook (Wen-GAGE Gradebook) and it is accessible on the web.
To access the Wen-GAGE Gradebook, click on the link to the right. You can also access it by clicking Online Gradebook on the top navigation on this site.
Your login information will be sent home with your child. The first time you log in it will give you the option of account recovery. Please choose to enable this option as this will allow you retrieve a forgotten password through your email account.
From this gradebook tool you will be able to access your child's grades, teacher lesson plans, and important information posted by the school. In addition you will be able to see your child's lunch account balance and have the option of paying online though PayPal with a convenience fee.
You may contact the attendance clerk of the site your child attends and they will help you with the process.