Bristow Public Schools believe that communication is one of the most important factors in student success. In order for the lines of communication to operate smoothly, we must have the most current contact information in our student information systems. Please update contact information in the form sent at the beginning of the year or by calling your school site when contact information changes midyear. BPS utilizes several modes of communication which are listed below.

Access your student's grades, lunch account balance, pay your student's lunch account online, and securely complete the lunchroom application that is required at the beginning of the year. Please check your email you provided for our student information system to set up your Parent Portal account. You can access the Parent Portal online by going to OR by downloading the app:
Most of our communication will be sent through our callout system which will send texts and emails. Contact information must be current in our student information system in order to receive notifications. Please be diligent in alerting your school site of any phone number, address, or emails address changes during the year.
If you accidently "opted out" of the notification system, simply text "start" to 98900 to get this feature turned back on
Recurring Messages. Message & Data rates may apply. Terms and Privacy at

Did you know that Bristow Public Schools has an app? Download the app to access documents, stay up to date on events, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Customize the school sites you want to follow to make them relevant to your needs. Push notifications are also available.

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