There's not a day that has gone by that the staff at Bristow Public Schools, especially the middle school, have not missed their great mentor, friend, and colleague, Mr. Brian Burden who we lost way to early in January 2020. A memorial bench was ordered in the spring/summer of 2020 to memorialize all that he meant to the staff and students at Bristow Middle School. Like many things during the pandemic, the bench was delayed in its arrival. It has spent approximately two years on a ship waiting to be delivered. Much to our surprise it has finally arrived, just in time for the new school year. Displayed on it is what Mr. Burden always said, always believed, and always stood for-"It's not about's about the kids". As our staff is busy getting prepared and anticipate meeting their new students for the 22/23 school year, we can assure you that Mr. Burden's motto is ringing in their ears!
Brian Burden Memorial Bench Installed
August 8, 2022