BPS Tech Team Accepting Award

Bristow Public Schools, like other small, rural Oklahoma districts, has had to navigate and continually overcome many EdTech challenges which includes lack of funding as well as connectivity issues that are unique to our rural areas.  Although the infusion of technology can be more challenging in a rural district, Bristow has overcome these challenges. The district is fortunate to have had 20 plus years of administrators who have envisioned the benefit of remaining proactive in all matters relating to technology. The district’s philosophy has been to provide a more than adequate infrastructure and equip students and staff with current technologies. The most important component and key to Bristow's success, however, has been to provide ongoing support for their staff through innumerable professional development and on-demand coaching opportunities so that teachers, no matter how proficient, are comfortable using the technology provided. The district's unwavering expectation of EdTech in every classroom and the opportunities it affords our students resonates in every decision made by the district.  Through this intentional focus, BPS has laid a solid foundation upon which all future educational technologies can be built.